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Royal wedding eve: Crowds swell outside the abbey

LONDON (AP) -- Each step has been rehearsed, each flower meticulously arranged, the aisle of Westminster Abbey transformed into a flowering avenue of trees.

With just hours to go before his wedding to Kate Middleton, dedicated royal watchers camped outside got an unexpected surprise _ a visit from Prince William.

The 28-year-old groom-to-be emerged from his residence Thursday night to greet the hordes of well-wishers gathered along the processional route. Dressed in khakis and grinning broadly, William shook countless hands as his photo was snapped on cell phones and digital cameras.

The visit lent further excitement to the carnival atmosphere near the abbey, where hours earlier 29-year-old Kate had a final run-through with William's best man, Prince Harry.

A throng of curious tourists, dedicated monarchists, souvenir vendors, William-watchers and Harry-hunters have turned the Union Jack-bedecked streets into a scene of festive chaos.

``It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Not many kings-to-be are going to be married anytime soon,'' said 26-year-old Sarah White, camped out with her sister, Liz. ``Everyone's making friends and is in good spirits _ or at least will be until tomorrow.''

The only clouds on the horizon: the threat of rain and the intrusion of politics, with the British government revoking an invitation to Syria's ambassador to condemn a deadly crackdown on protesters that has left hundreds dead.

Friday's ceremony has been planned like a military operation. More than 1,500 soldiers, sailors and air crew will be on duty to line the couple's procession route between the abbey and Buckingham Palace, just under a mile (1.6 kilometers) away.

An additional 5,000 uniformed and undercover police will be on alert for threats from Irish dissident terrorists, Muslim extremists, anti-monarchists, royal obsessives and drunken hooligans.

The royal nuptials will offer pomp and circumstance on a grand scale, starting with a global guest list of 1,900 that includes kings and queens, sports stars, music royalty, the couple's university chums, Royal Air Force pilots and charity workers, as well as friends and family.

Royal carriages drawn by mounted troops of the Household Calvary will roll to the palace in a sweeping procession under fluttering rows of Union Jacks. Hundreds of thousands are expected to line a parade route scrubbed clean in recent days.

Westminster Abbey itself has been remade into a blooming forest, with six field maples and two hornbeams lining the aisle to the altar.

William and Kate have been intimately involved in planning their wedding, officials say, from the music to the flowers to the cake _ in fact, two cakes. Kate opted for a traditional white-iced fruitcake while William made sure that was accompanied by his childhood favorite, a chocolate biscuit cake.

Britain has not seen a royal celebration on this scale since 1981, when Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer at St. Paul's Cathedral.

Much is at stake for the royal family, who hope the latest match bolsters the Windsor dynasty, which has been buffeted by a series of failed marriages, including those of Charles and Diana, Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, and Princess Anne and Mark Phillips.

Despite the tawdry way Charles and Diana's fairy tale ended _ in a 1996 divorce after embarrassing admissions of adultery on both sides _ most Britons feel an outpouring of goodwill for his son William and fiancee Kate.

The British government also hopes the wedding will lift people's spirits during a period of tough austerity measures. The Conservative-led government is cutting 81 billion pounds ($135 billion) in spending through 2015, slashing hundreds of thousands of government jobs and sharply hiking tuition fees.

Excitement built Thursday, as a crowd of die-hard fans camped out in tents and sleeping bags swelled near the 1,000-year-old abbey.

Among them was India Marlow-Prince, a 17-year-old from London who was picnicking with friends. The trio painted their faces with the Union Jack and wore tiaras and matching hot pink T-shirts with the homemade slogan ``Will and Kate forever.''

``She is the Diana of our generation. And Wills is a babe,'' Marlow-Prince said. ``We are a little annoyed at her for taking him, but there's always Harry.''

Prince Charles' wife Camilla, the duchess of Cornwall, delighted royal fans by emerging from her residence nearby.

``We're all ready for tomorrow,'' she said. ``It's wonderful and we're all very excited.''

More royal-watchers gathered outside the five-star Goring Hotel, where Kate and her family were spending her last night as a single woman. A canopy was erected over the entrance to block onlookers from catching sight of Kate when she emerges in her wedding gown Friday morning.

The dress has been the best-kept secret of this very public event. Its designer remains unconfirmed, and hundreds of millions of TV viewers will see it for the first time when Middleton steps out of her Rolls-Royce at the abbey. Her husband-to-be will get a first glimpse a few minutes later, when she makes her entrance.

After Friday morning's ceremony, the couple will travel by carriage to the palace and emerge onto the balcony for a precisely timed kiss _ at 1:25 p.m. (8:25 a.m. EDT) _ followed by a ceremonial fly-past of military aircraft.

Then the partying starts. Some 650 people are invited to a luncheon with the queen, and later that night 300 close friends and family will attend a black-tie evening bash.

The palace says Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, planned to go away for the evening, leaving the younger royals free to party unfettered _ and Harry to make his best man's speech away from his octogenarian grandparents' ears.

British singer Ellie Goulding, 24, is reportedly going to perform, and rumors have it that Harry has even planned a breakfast for those with the stamina to dance all night.

Hundreds of thousands of people across the country will celebrate as well, for the day has been declared a public holiday. More than 5,500 official street parties are planned, including one by the anti-monarchist group Republic and another on Downing Street, home to Prime Minister David Cameron.

Cameron told CBS the wedding will bring ``happiness and joy and light relief after some difficult times.''

In William and Kate's wedding program, released Thursday and on sale for 2 pounds ($3), the couple said they have been deeply touched by the outpouring of affection toward them.

``We are both so delighted that you are able to join us in celebrating what we hope will be one of the happiest days of our lives,'' they wrote. ``The affection shown to us by so many people during our engagement has been incredibly moving, and has touched us both deeply.''

They also released a new photograph by celebrity photographer Mario Testino _ a warm black-and-white image showing them with broad smiles and sparkling teeth.

Middleton will not promise to ``obey'' her new husband in her vows but instead to ``love, comfort, honor and keep'' him.

She will walk up the aisle to the sounds of ``I was glad,'' the anthem setting of Psalm 122 composed by Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry for the coronation of King Edward VII in 1902. The anthem was also sung at the 1981 wedding of William's parents.

But as wedding excitement heated up, the weather in London cooled down. Royal wedding fans may want to pack extra umbrellas.

Gray skies were forecast for Friday, with a 30 percent chance of rain at the time of the ceremony, the Meteorological Office said. Some sunshine might break through in the morning, with temperatures rising to about 66 degrees.

<관련 한글 기사>

식순따라 미리보는  英 `세기의 결혼'

팡파레, 축가, 현대식 서약 어우러진 2시간반

영국 왕실 계승 서열 2위인 윌리엄 왕자와 케이트 미들턴의 `세기의 결혼식'이 29일 웨스트민스터 사원에서 거행된다.

결혼식 행사는 현지 시각 오전 11시, 한국 시각으로 오후 7시부터 2시간30분 가량 이어진다.

예배는 웨스트민스터 사원의 주임 사제인 존 홀 신부가 맡으며 혼례 의식은 영국성공회 수장인 로완 윌리엄스 대주교의 주례로 진행된다.

먼저 결혼식 3시간쯤 전인 오전 8시15분(이하 현지시각)부터 하객들이 입장하기 시작하고 오전 9시50분 데이비드 캐머런 영국 총리를 비롯한 영연방 대표와 각국 외교사절들이 도착한다.

오전 10시15분 신랑 윌리엄 왕자와 들러리인 동생 해리 왕자에 이어 왕실 가족과 엘리자베스 여왕 부부, 찰스 왕세자 부부가 차례로 식장에 들어서고 오전 11시 신부 케이트 미들턴이 아버지의 손을 잡고 입장하면 팡파레를 신호탄으로 결혼식이 시작된다.

시작과 동시에 윌리엄의 어머니인 (故) 다이애나 왕세자비의 지난 1997년 장례식에서 마지막으로 불린 찬송가인 `전능하신 여호와여(Guide me, O thou great redeemer)'가 울려퍼지고 홀 신부의 인사말에 이어 샤트레스 주교가 혼례의식을 진행한다.

샤트레스 주교가 윌리엄 왕자에게 "신랑은 신부 아내로 맞아 아플때나 건강할 때나 신부를 사랑하고 위로하고 존경하고 지키겠습니까"라고 물으면 윌리엄 왕자는 "네(I will)"라고 대답하며 결혼을 서약한다.  흔히 들을 수 있는 "I do"라는 대답과는 차이가 있다.

미들턴 역시 영국 왕실의 관례인 순종(obey)서약 대신 "그를 사랑하고, 위로하고, 존경하고, 지키겠다"고 '현대판' 서약을 하게 된다.

윌리엄 왕자는 미들턴의 아버지로부터 신부의 손을 넘겨받아 잡고 "나는 캐서린 엘리자베스를 아내로 맞아 좋을 때나 나쁠 때나, 부자일 때나 가난할 때나,  병들었을 때나 건강할 때나, 죽음이 우리를 갈라놓을 때까지 사랑하고 아낄 것"이라고 맹세한다.

신랑이 신부에게 반지를 끼워준 뒤 다시 한번 결혼을 맹세하고 두 사람이 무릎을 꿇고 기도를 올리면 샤트레스 주교가 두 사람의 오른손을 포개 놓으며 성혼을 선언한다.

1시간 가량의 결혼식이 끝나면 신랑 신부는 1902년에 제작된 마차를 타고  의사당 앞과 정부청사가 늘어선 화이트홀, 세인트 제임스 파크 옆길을 거쳐 버킹엄궁까지 이동하며 수백만의 축하객들과 만난다.

오후 1시25분 윌리엄과 케이트가 버킹엄궁 발코니에 등장해 수많은 군중들이 지켜보는 가운데 키스한다. 그러면 런던 상공에 제2차 세계대전 때 맹활약했던 랭커스터 폭격기와 스핏파이어 전투기, 허리케인, 타이푼 등이 축하 비행을 한다.

이어 여왕은 600여명의 하객에게 축하연을 베푼다. 공식일정을 마친 신랑 신부는 점심을 한 뒤 세인트 제임스궁에서 쉬었다 오후 7시 찰스 왕세자가 버킹엄궁에서 여는 만찬과 무도회에 참석하고 왕실에서 첫날밤을 보낸 뒤 신혼여행을 떠난다.
