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'LG화학 신규 배터리 공장 투자 8월에 확정 예정'

LG화학 권영수 사장이 신규 배터리 공장 투자를 고려 중이라고 밝혔다.

권 사장은 29일 벡스코에서 열린 ‘2014 부산 모터쇼’의 쉐보레 발표회에 참석해 “한국GM을 비롯해 전기차 배터리에 대한 여러 고객사가 확보된 상황이기 때문에 추가 공장 투자도 심각하게 고려하고 있다”고 말했다.

지역이나 투자 규모 등이 확정되지 않았지만, 3개월 내에 확실한 내용이 나올 것이라고 밝혔다.
업계 관계자들은 중국의 난징(Nanjing), 광저우 (Guangzhou) 그리고 천진 (Tianjin) 등이 신규 투자지로서 유력한 후보들이라고 전했다.

한편, 한국GM의 호샤 사장은 부산 모텨쇼 현장에서 전기차 ‘쉐보레 스파크’의 내수, 수출용 전 차종에 LG화학이 생산하는 리튬이온 배터리를 사용하기로 결정했다고 발표했다.

부산=코리아헤럴드 배지숙 기자 (

<관련 영문 기사>

LG Chem to finalize new electric battery plant plans by August

China‘s Nanjing, Guangzhou and Tianjin cited as possible candidate sites

BUSAN -- LG Chem President on Thursday confirmed that the company will decide on the timeline and location of a new electric vehicle battery production plant by August, with China being cited as the top candidate for the locale.

“With our business going strong, I can definitely say that we will expand our business,” Kwon Young-soo, co-CEO and director of the company‘s battery business division told reporters at the Busan International Motor Show.

He said that the details including the location and timeline of the expansion will be made public within three months.

Kwon’s comments come amid mounting speculation that China will be where LG Chem adds a new battery facility. It would be the first Chinese plant for the chemical maker.

Rumors have been rampant that LG is seeking to build an EV battery plant in Nanjing, Guangzhou or Tianjin. Global carmakers such as GM and Volkswagen also have plants in these regions.

LG Chem curently has plants in Cheongwon of North Chungcheong Province and Michigan of the U.S.

The Chinese government has recently announced plans to promote 5 million units of EVs in the country by 2020. The authorities are planning to subsidize EV purchasers, which has reportedly thrilled global automakers.

Meanwhile, Kwon and GM Korea CEO Sergio Rocha on Thursday announced that LG will supply the batteries for the Spark EV 2015 models for both local and export markets, which will strengthen the world’s largest electric vehicle battery maker’s status.

By Bae Ji-sook (