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GS Group chairman urges new executives to break mold

At a GS Group dinner banquet held at Elysian Resort Jeju on Friday, Chairman Huh Chang-soo gave a speech to newly appointed executives, sharing his know-how and advising them to set high goals and take bold actions.

In front of new executives of GS Group, Huh addressed the volatile economic environment of this year, citing the ongoing US-China trade war and Brexit as well as continuing instability in the domestic economy.

To combat the uncertainty ahead, Huh advised the executives to be innovative and agile leaders who set high goals and strong moral example, all to gain a competitive edge in the industry.

Chairman of GS Group Huh Chang-soo (fourth on the right side) dines with new GS executives at Elysian Resort Jeju on Friday. (GS Holdings)
Chairman of GS Group Huh Chang-soo (fourth on the right side) dines with new GS executives at Elysian Resort Jeju on Friday. (GS Holdings)

Huh also spoke of South Korean golfer Choi Ho-sung and his unwavering work ethic that led to an invitation to the PGA tournament earlier this month. Choi recently went viral for his unorthodox “fisherman’s swing,” and that swing, according to Huh, differentiated Choi and gave him a competitive advantage.

Since the launch of GS Group in 2005, Huh has paid special attention to annual dinner banquets for newly appointed executives. Huh sees it as a chance to communicate directly with the new executives, and has only missed the event once.

By Cho Hyee-su (