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Aspiring K-pop artists to get a chance at first Stage & concert

SK Telecom is venturing into the entertainment world by helping aspiring artists gain global attention using its new music platform.

The telecom operator is hosting the first Stage & concert Thursday evening at the Modeci club in Sangsu-dong, Seoul. Aspiring artists including Choi Jung-yoon, So Soo-bin, Wetter and George are taking the stage.


The featured artists are singer-songwriters who write and produce their own songs and are not represented by any talent agency or record label.

The event is part of a sponsorship program launched by SKT on the back of its new music platform, Flo, launched Dec. 11. The company said it will continue to support artists whose works it deems promising on the basis of big data from Flo, feedback from social media and recommendations by renowned artists.

SKT also said it will hold a Stage & concert every year under various sponsorship programs.

SK Telecom said, “From now on, we will work on creating a virtuous cycle in which the diversity of the music ecosystem is enhanced through the process of discovering and introducing various artists and music based on Flo.” 

By Yoon Yeun-jung (