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Cost of solar power generation to drop to below 100 won by 2023

The average total costs of generating solar energy in South Korea will go down below 100 won ($0.1) per 1 kilowatt hour five years later, a parliamentary report said Sunday.

According to the report, the levelized cost of energy of solar power will decline to below 100 won per 1 kWh in 2023 and 84 won in 2030.


LCOE refers to an average total cost to build and operate a power generator over its lifetime.

It was 1,144 won per 1 kWh in 2005 and dropped to 171 won in 2014. In 2018, the LCOE of solar power reached 121 won per 1 KWh.

The report said the United States and Great Britain are both expected to break the 100 won LCOE line in 2020.

The government of President Moon Jae-in aims to increase the use of renewable energy, including solar and wind power, to about 20 percent of total power consumption by 2030. (Yonhap)
