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Daewoo E&C continues to expand CSR activities

Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., a major South Korean builder, has been expanding its corporate social responsibility programs for people with disabilities and other disadvantages ever since 2012.

The company has operated CSR programs since 2007, initially involving only volunteer groups within its staff. But six years ago, it expanded its CSR activities to involve all employees in every one of its departments and business units.

Daewoo E&C workers and their families paint murals in Seoul as part of the firm’s CSR activities. (Daewoo E&C)
Daewoo E&C workers and their families paint murals in Seoul as part of the firm’s CSR activities. (Daewoo E&C)

Since March 2012, when Daewoo staff members visited a community center in Yongsan-gu to do volunteer work and donate goods to help local families, about 2,000 employees have taken part in 100 similar goodwill missions, the firm said Wednesday.

This year’s CSR activities involved making use of the construction firm’s forte by installing facilities to improve access for people with disabilities and doing home repairs to assist low-income families and seniors living alone, Daewoo E&C said.

Meanwhile, Daewoo E&C also engages in cultural activities to benefit disadvantaged members of society -- for example, co-hosting concerts, subsidizing local choirs and collecting donations from executives as well as rank-and-file employees.

Other CSR activities range from painting murals in run-down areas of Majang-dong, Seoul, and knitting hats for Save the Children to benefit children in Africa and other parts of Asia.

Most recently, in November, the company held a special fundraising event in cooperation with UNICEF Korea and KDB Bank to support children affected by the Indonesian tsunami and earthquake. 

By Korea Herald (
