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Top designers flock to Seoul for Herald forum

Herald Design Forum offers chance to see how design changes the world

It seems almost too clich to talk about a design war, but that may the only way to define the cutthroat competition witnessed between companies hoping to set their brands apart with sleeker, more imaginative product designs.

The iDEA Herald Design Forum, scheduled to open at Shilla Hotel on Oct. 5 for two days, will be a chance for the corporate sector to share ideas and put forward suggestions on how to take designs to the next level.

On hand at the forum will be a roster of celebrated industrial designers who have cut a figure for themselves with innovative yet functional designs.

These designers hail from all parts of the world and are famed for distinctively differentiated products or designs. However, they have one thing in common, the belief that design is dominating companies, their brands and even the way people shop and live― hence, the forum tagline, “Design changes the world.”

“In a world where we are bombarded with information, where we work a 57-hour work week (in the seventies it was 34), where husband and wife both work, where there does not seem to be enough time to really even know why we exist, or how we can have a contributive, fulfilling creative life, design becomes the key paramount proponent of making a better life, a more simple, more sensual, more engaging, more casual, less stressful life,” said Karim Rashid, the designer dubbed the “Prince of Plastic,” who will be attending the Herald forum.

Brand futurist Martin Lindstrom, along with former BMW chief of design Chris Bangle and Simon Anholt, a pioneer in the field of nation branding, are also among those to share their knowledge and expertise.

Environmental activist and stylist Danny Seo also will participate in the event, along with some local design industry leaders including Innodesign chief executive Kim Young-se and creator of the hit animation “Pororo the Little Penguin,” Choi Sang-hyun.

The event will kick off with an opening address by Lindstrom, who is expected to focus on the importance of creative forces in the marketing world, followed by three main sessions; “National and City Design,” “Industrial and Corporate Design” and “Culture and Design.”

The first session will be led by Anholt, who has advised more than 26 governments as an external consultant. Anholt is the designer famous for coining the term “nation branding.” Since this, he has been encouraging governments to coordinate their macro- and microeconomic policies to build stronger brand identities.

Danny Seo and urban design planning expert Richard Register will join the discussion about ecological city planning.

The sessions on industrial design and incorporating cultural elements into branding will have local experts participating, including Lee Bae-yong, chair of the Presidential Council on National Branding.

The Korea Herald has also held a design presentation competition for ambitious university students who will have the opportunity to show their work to designers and other distinguished guests at the forum.

By Kim Ji-hyun (