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Busan, Bangkok become Friendship Cities

The cities of Busan and Bangkok recently signed a Friendship Agreement at Bangkok City Hall.

The agreement is aimed at formally establishing friendship ties and mutual understanding in a variety of fields including tourism, economy, society, culture, education, environment and technology.

The friendship city agreement between the two cities will help to open up opportunities for local businesses in Busan to enter into the Thai market in fields like information technology services, and the automobile and fashion sectors.

The two cities will enter into joint development partnerships in specific industries in both cities such as green growth, culture and art, and creative economy sectors.

Busan Mayor Hur Nam-sik met Thailand Prime Minster Abhisit Vejjajiva in Bangkok and other Thai officials and reached an agreement for the two cities to work together on film and the visual culture industry, the medical tourism industry, and the establishment of a metropolis infrastructure for traffic and the environment.
