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Whitney Houston voluntarily enters rehab

Whitney Houston (AP)
Whitney Houston (AP)
NEW YORK (AP)- Whitney Houston is back in rehab.

A representative for the superstar singer confirmed Monday that Houston is undergoing treatment. Kristen Foster says Houston is in an out-patient program for drug and alcohol treatment. She says it is a voluntary measure and part of Houston's ``long-standing'' recovery process.

The 47-year-old, one of the most successful singers in pop music history, has battled problems with drug addiction for years. But in 2009, as she released a comeback album, she declared herself healthy and clean.

However, her 2010 tour overseas was troubled: Houston canceled some dates due to illness and received negative reviews from fans who were disappointed in the quality of her voice and performance. Earlier this year, she gave an uneven performance in tribute to cousin Dionne Warwick at music mogul Clive Davis' annual pre-Grammy gala.

It's unclear how long Houston will be in rehab or where she's being treated; Foster had no further comment. However, Houston has been visible recently: Last week, she sang on stage with Chaka Khan during Prince's concert in Los Angeles.

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휘트니 휴스턴, 약물재활프로그램 시작

미국의 팝디바 휘트니 휴스턴(47)이 약물 및 알코올 중독을 치료하는 재활 프로그램을 자발적으로 시작했다고 미 언론이 9일 보도했다.

휴스턴의 대변인은 이날 잡지 피플에 발표한 성명에서 "휘트니가 오랫동안 계속된 회복 과정의 하나로 자발적으로 재활 프로그램에 들어갔다"고 밝혔다.

과거 수 년간 약물 중독에 시달려온 휴스턴은 지난 2009년 스스로 중독에서 벗어났다고 선언하고 복귀 앨범을 발표하면서 그동안 여러차례 라이브 공연을 해왔다.

휴스턴의 대변인은 그러나 이번 재활 치료가 어디에서 이뤄지고, 얼마나 걸릴지는 밝히지 않았다.
