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S. Korea alerts nationals against traveling to Libya

S. Korea issued an alert against travelling to Libya. (Yonhap News)
S. Korea issued an alert against travelling to Libya. (Yonhap News)
South Korea on Sunday issued an alert against traveling to Libya, asking its nationals to defer nonessential trips to the northern African state currently engulfed in violent anti-government protests. 

Eastern parts of Libya have been issued with the strongest alert, while South Korean nationals are also asked to reconsider trips to other parts of the country, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. 

A growing number of casualties are being reported, especially in the eastern regions of Benghazi, Al Bayda and Derna, as police are clashing with protesters calling for the resignation of their ruler. 

Korean travelers who are currently in Libya must exercise a high degree of caution while staying in their hotels or residences until the situation calms, the Foreign Ministry said, advising others to cancel their trips to the country. 

Hundreds of local residents had forced their way into a South Korean construction site in Libya last week, sparking concerns for the safety of Koreans residing in the country. The local residents have currently withdrawn from the site, according to the ministry.

Anti-government protests that toppled long-ruling dictators in Tunisia and Egypt have been spreading across the Middle East and North African states in recent months.

By Shin Hae-in (

<관련 기사>

정부, 리비아 여행경보 발령

외교통상부는 20일 최근 반정부 시위가  계속되고 있는 리비아 동부지역에 대해 여행경보 3단계(여행제한)를 발령했다. 

외교부는 또 리비아 내 다른 지역에 대해서도 여행경보 2단계(여행자제)를 발령했다.

외교부 관계자는 "반정부 시위로 리비아 동부 지역에서 다수의 사상자가 발생한 데다가 시위가 다른 지역으로 확산될 가능성도 우려된다"면서 "리비아에 체류 중인 우리 국민은 안전에 특별히 유의하고, 벵가지.알베이다.데르나.토부룩 등 동부지역 여행은 가급적 취소 또는 연기해달라"고 당부했다. (연합뉴스)