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Bangladeshi envoy to leave Korea for France

Bangladeshi Ambassador Shahidul Islam is soon to leave Korea, but he has done much to boost relations between the two countries during his time here.

While the ambassador said he would miss Korea, friends and bibimbap as he sets off in July for his new posting as ambassador to France, he said he was happy with the friendship that had grown in his more than four years in the posting.

He and his wife Jesmeen held a reception at his official residence in Songbuk-dong on Thursday ahead of their leaving Korea.

Speaking at the event, Korea’s director-general for South Asian and Pacific affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Park Hae-yun said: “He has made great contributions to the relations between Korea and Bangladesh through his dedication, integrity and love for Korea. During his tenure here we have seen exchanges in various areas ― political, economic, cultural and people-to-people exchanges.” 
Bangladeshi Ambassador Shahidul Islam (second from right) joins his wife Jesmeen and other guests at his farewell reception in Seoul on Wednesday. (Kirsty Taylor/The Korea Herald)
Bangladeshi Ambassador Shahidul Islam (second from right) joins his wife Jesmeen and other guests at his farewell reception in Seoul on Wednesday. (Kirsty Taylor/The Korea Herald)

The MOFAT director said that economic ties had blossomed during the ambassador’s time here, with bilateral trade increasing by 60 percent since 2008 to reach $2 billion.

The increase has mostly been in favor of Bangladesh, which saw a 75 percent increase in one year. The country’s exports jumped from $135 million in 2010 to $244 million in 2011.

Exports of textiles and other clothing items such as leather goods and footwear had increased as the Korean government had allowed many products to be imported duty free.

Korea has also been investing in Bangladeshi infrastructure, and some 7,000 Bangladeshis are currently working here. There are just over 1,000 Koreans currently living in Bangladesh.

Ambassador Islam was also praised for his work on behalf of Bangladeshi migrant workers in Korea.

“I am going to beautiful France but I will always miss Korea. In particular, I will always miss my Korean friends,” he said.

Islam said one of the major highlights of his Korean posting was the official visit of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheik Hasina to Seoul in 2010.

The ambassador will be replaced by Enamul Kabir, who was formerly the Ambassador to France, Portugal and Romania, and also a permanent delegate to UNESCO. He previously served as Bangladeshi ambassador to Bhutan and Vietnam as well as holding diplomatic posts in the U.K. and the Philippines. He is married with two children.

By Kirsty Taylor (