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Ukraine to host soccer final

Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Marmazov (fifth from left, first row), Deputy Head of the Polish Embassy Rybarski Grzegorz (fourth from left, first row); and Director of Iksan city’s Yeain Music Art High School, pianist Lee Bong-Gi (third from left, first row) celebrate with others at the Ukrainian Embassy reception in Seoul to mark the country’s co-hosting of Euro 2012.
Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Marmazov (fifth from left, first row), Deputy Head of the Polish Embassy Rybarski Grzegorz (fourth from left, first row); and Director of Iksan city’s Yeain Music Art High School, pianist Lee Bong-Gi (third from left, first row) celebrate with others at the Ukrainian Embassy reception in Seoul to mark the country’s co-hosting of Euro 2012.
The Ukrainian Embassy has held a reception in Seoul to celebrate its upcoming hosting of this year’s UEFA European Football Championship.

The country is co-hosting the Euro 2012 final along with Poland from June 8-July 1.

“(The) holding of the European Football Championship in Poland and Ukraine is a milestone event not only in terms of sport but also in terms of development of the two countries,” Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Marmazov said. “Euro 2012 is a good opportunity to show Ukraine to the world, (with) its rich tourist opportunities, outstanding cultural and historical heritage.”

And the ambassador said that Korea had also been contributing to support the contest.

“The Korean side is actively involved in the preparation of this championship. In particular, Hyundai Motor Company is the one of the official sponsors of Euro 2012. And high-speed trains of Hyundai Rotem carry fans between Ukrainian host cities.”

Representatives from the Polish Embassy, Korean government bodies, business and academia attended the event.

Students of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies’ Department of Ukrainian Studies wore traditional costumes and sang Ukrainian songs, and renowned pianist Lee Bong-Gi performed at the reception.