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Botanic park in Magok opens for test operation

A massive botanic park will open in Magok, western Seoul, on Thursday, with entrance fees waivered for citizens until April 2019.

The Seoul Botanic Park will be test-operated for six months, before opening officially next May, according to the city government on Tuesday.

(Seoul city government)
(Seoul city government)

Construction of the park, which began in November 2015, took more than three years to complete.

Spanning 50,400 square meters of land, approximately the size of 70 soccer fields, the park currently contains more than 3,100 species of plants. It is planning to increase this number to more than 8,000 pecies through further collection, proliferation and research.

In the center of the park, a greenhouse taller than an eight-story-building holds various exotic plants from 12 countries. 

(Seoul city government)
(Seoul city government)

The greenhouse is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., but visitors can enjoy a stroll in the forest or explore the lakes and swamps around the clock.

Visiting some parts of the park may require entrance fees after the six-month trial period.

More information could be found at the Seoul Botanical Park website (

By The Korea Herald (