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Norway’s Samgakji exhibition gets new face

The Norwegian Embassy is keeping its Samgakji Subway Station project fresh by revamping the pictures laid out on the platform and escalators.

Recently, new pictures appeared on the platform and escalators, slowly changing the focus from nature to architecture.

The new exhibition starts with one of the oldest examples of Norwegian architecture: Stave churches. Built in the 11th century, 28 stave churches still exist in Norway.

As passengers at Samgakji station continue down the escalator, they will span over 800 years, from Norway’s oldest architecture to latest examples such as the Oslo Opera House.

Soon after the opera building, passengers will move from the urban to Norway’s splendid natural vistas.

At the platform of Samgakji, the wooden structures have also been renewed with white, northern lights streaming up between the wooden panels, directing the thoughts toward those long white nights of the northern summer when the sun never sets.

Here, the famous Korean poet Ko Un has written a poem in appreciation of the Norwegian nature and culture.

The idea behind the Samgakji project is to entice visitors to Norway.