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Man with mental illness gets 12-yr prison term for killing father

SUWON, Gyeonggi Province -- A court on Wednesday sentenced a man with a mental illness to 12 years in prison for stabbing his father to death at a restaurant earlier this year.

The Suwon Regional District Court handed down the prison term on the man in his 30s, who was identified only his last name Han.

According to the ruling, Han had frequently quarreled with his father since July 2012, as his father restricted his outside activities and he experienced auditory hallucinations that made him believe his father was trying to kill him by sending him bad spirits.


After being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in January 2015, he was hospitalized to receive treatment for his mental illness a total of six times up to January this year.

On Feb. 23 this year, Han killed his father with a knife that he took to a Chinese restaurant run by his mother after hearing his father say, "It's not good if you leave home. Go back home and rest," in a hallucination.

The ruling said the sentence was lighter than the prosecution's demand because he had committed the crime due to mental incompetence caused by schizophrenia and repented for what he did. (Yonhap)

