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Korean business owners caught after abusing dogs

Seven Korean business owners in Hanam, Gyeonggi Province, were caught by authorities after abusing livestock dogs by forcing them to eat harmful food waste, among other abusive activities. The abused dogs were for sale to dog meat suppliers.

The suspects were booked without detention, police said Tuesday. 

The suspects, including a businessman surnamed Lee, are suspected of abusing 219 dogs that were being raised together in an enclosed space as livestock animals for their meat. 


Authorities found many of the dogs were suffering from skin diseases and living in poor conditions with the bodies of dead dogs and feces.

Police said the businessmen violated the Animal Protection Act, which stipulates that all owners or keepers of an animal shall “provide the animal with appropriate feed and water and endeavor to ensure that the animal exercises, rests and sleeps adequately,” and shall “endeavor to promptly cure or take other necessary measures if the animal suffers from a disease or an injury.”

Authorities believe that the suspects have been running their businesses since the late 1990s.

All of the 219 dogs have been rescued by an animal rights group and are currently living in foster homes, they added.

By Claire Lee (