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Seoul perceived as city of youth and nightlife: survey

A survey indicated Wednesday that Seoul is perceived by outsiders as a city vibrant with nightlife and suitable for youth.

The Seoul Tourism Organization ran a survey for the month of June on respondents’ impressions of Seoul, targeting over 9,000 foreigners both living in the country and traveling.

In the survey, 77 percent of foreign respondents answered the question on when in the period of their life they wished to visit Seoul, as “when young.” The figure, broken down, was 76 percent for travelers and 91 percent for those residing in the country. 


Respondents also answered the time they wished to be in Seoul the most as being at night. The answer was coherent across the respondents’ nationalities. The STO translated the survey result as reflective of Seoul’s various shops that operate in to the late hour.

Traveling foreigners said they thought spring was the best time for Seoul, while foreign residents picked fall. Those who answered the survey in English said they associated soft pastel-toned colors with Seoul, as compared to Japanese and Chinese speakers who chose vivid primary colors.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (