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Moon urges strict enforcement of public safety measures

President Moon Jae-in called for thorough implementation of public safety measures Tuesday.

The call came as a four-year-old girl was found dead in her kindergarten bus after accidentally being left there by her teachers.

"It is so frustrating to see such tragedies being repeated when they could have been prevented with just a little more attention from the adults," the president said in a cabinet meeting held at his office Cheong Wa Dae.


The president earlier ordered the health and welfare ministry to come up with new, special measures to prevent such a tragedy and report them at the cabinet meeting.

Moon noted any new measures may be useless unless they are faithfully observed and implemented.

"The government has reviewed and reinforced various regulations and procedures, but they would be meaningless if they are not observed," he said, according to Cheong Wa Dae pool reports. "We must refine even the tiniest details, including why such measures do not work properly at actual sites, and make sure such accidents are not repeated."

Moon also called for special measures to prevent casualties from the ongoing heat wave.

"The government has already come up with measures against the heat wave but I ask the government to consider the prolonged heat wave as a natural disaster and once again review its related measures," President Moon told the meeting. (Yonhap)
