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Temperatures in Korea near that of Southeast Asia

Temperatures across South Korea are currently close to that of Southeast Asian countries.

On Tuesday, the beginning of the hottest days of summer, the temperature in the capital city of Seoul reached 34 degrees Celsius.

The Korean cities of Daegu and Pohang recorded 37 C on the same day, while Southeast Asian cities Bangkok, Singapore and Jakarta recorded 32 C, according to the World Meteorological Organization.

Heat wave warnings were issued throughout Korea on Tuesday. 


Experts cite the “heat dome” phenomenon as the cause of the heat wave. There is a possibility that the heat wave will last for more than a month, unless there is a jolt in the weather due to external factors such as a typhoon.

A heat dome occurs when high pressure in the upper atmosphere prevents hot air from escaping. The air is forced to sink back to the surface, warming further as time goes by.

As tropical nights continue in Korea, concerns are rising for people with a weaker immune system or patients with hyperthermia. People with these medical conditions are cautioned against staying outdoors for a prolonged time.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that more than 40 percent of 6,500 patients with hyperthermia were outdoor laborers.

By Kim Soo-bin, Intern Reporter (