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Pompeo vows best efforts for success of US-N. Korea summit

WASHINGTON -- The United States will do everything necessary for the success of an upcoming meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the top US diplomat said Tuesday.

Trump and Kim are set to meet in Singapore on June 12, although the North Korean regime threatened last week to pull out.

"We will do what it takes to make sure that this is a successful meeting," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said at a press briefing at his department, after coming out of a meeting between Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the White House. "We're preparing, we're continuing to do our work and lay the foundation for a successful meeting. I'm confident we'll get there."

This Reuters file photo shows US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (Yonhap)
This Reuters file photo shows US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (Yonhap)

Hours earlier Trump cast doubt on the summit happening June 12, saying it could be canceled if US conditions aren't met. The two sides agreed to meet after Kim offered to discuss the dismantlement of his nuclear weapons program.

"I'm optimistic. But again, this could be something that comes right to the end and doesn't happen," Pompeo said.

The secretary again offered economic incentives for North Korea to denuclearize.

"He would find American investment, American technology, American know-how of real value to his people," he said, citing conversations he had with Kim during his two recent trips to Pyongyang. "I do think it's something that, if we get this right and we get the denuclearization right, that America would be quite capable of delivering them with lots of things that would make life better for the North Korean people." (Yonhap)
