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Govt. vows to deal sternly with fake news ahead of local elections

The prosecution and police will crack down sternly on fake news creators and distributors in the run-up to next month's local elections, officials said Thursday.

The government issued the warning after an inter-agency ministerial meeting presided over by Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon as part of efforts to make the June 13 gubernatorial and mayoral elections clean and fair.


Police and prosecutors will set up teams dealing exclusively with fake news and put them into operation as soon as official campaigning kicks off on May 31, officials said.

In particular, fake news investigation teams will mobilize Internet address-tracking and all available technological tools to quickly trace and arrest not only those who create fake news but also those who distribute it, officials said.

All violators will be detained for investigation, they said.

The prosecution and police will also establish hotlines with the National Election Commission to share information on fake news and swiftly remove offending Internet posts, officials said. (Yonhap)
