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Reports of dating violence double this year: gender ministry

Reports of violence committed against women by individuals they are dating more than doubled in the first four months of this year from a year earlier, government data showed Thursday.

The number of cases of women seeking help from the government-run emergency call number 1366 because of so-called dating violence reached 3,903 in the four months till April, according to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. 


This is a 107 percent hike from the 1,886 cases reported in the same period last year, the ministry said.

In the four-month period this year, 4,848 reports were made to the police, up 26 percent year-on-year, according to the ministry.

In light of the increase, the government plans to come up with measures to protect and support victims, the ministry also added.

"Cases of victims reporting and seeking help on dating violence are increasing on the change of perception that it is a serious crime, not a personal issue," Lee sook-jin, vice gender minister said.  (Yonhap)
