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SK Telecom develops tech to boost 5G speeds

SK Telecom said Monday it has completed development of packet core for the fifth-generation network.

The packet core can be likened to toll gates on expressways, which funnels voice and data traffic from smartphones and other mobile devices to the internet.

In cooperation with Samsung Electronics, SKT developed 1-terabit-class packet processing technology in November, which raised the packet traffic by tenfold, according to the firm.


The upcoming packet core will not only connect to the internet network at the fastest speed, but also discern types of data by service, for example by movie downloads, music streaming and web surfing, the company highlighted.

“The packet core is essential for 5G services,” the company said. “The data processing technology will help provide seamless 5G services such as augmented and virtual reality and hologram media services.”

By Song Su-hyun (