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Moon's approval rating drops to 76.3%

President Moon Jae-in's approval rating dropped slightly last week, ending a three-week streak of increases, a poll showed Monday.

In a survey conducted by Realmeter, Moon's approval rating came to 76.3 percent last week, down 1.1 percentage points from the week before.

The weekly survey was conducted Monday through Friday, involving 2,002 adults across the nation.

Moon's ratings shot up to record high levels after he held a historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on April 27 at the Joint Security Area of Panmunjom inside the Demilitarized Zone that divides the two Koreas.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in, right, and first lady Kim Jung-sook (Yonhap)
South Korean President Moon Jae-in, right, and first lady Kim Jung-sook (Yonhap)

The numbers began to dwindle at the start of last week, dipping to as low as 72.8 percent on Thursday but quickly recovering after US President Donald Trump said he will meet with the North Korean leader in Singapore on June 12, further raising hopes for a possible denuclearization deal with the communist North following the inter-Korean summit.

The ruling Democratic Party continued to enjoy an increase in its own approval rating, apparently helped by the growing mood for reconciliation between the divided Koreas.

Its approval rating surged 2.4 percentage points to 56.3 percent over the cited period, while that of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party slipped 0.2 percentage point to 17.7 percent.

The splinter Bareunmirae Party's approval rating remained unchanged at 6.0 percent, and that of the progressive Justice Party fell 1.7 percentage points to 4.6 percent. (Yonhap)
