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University student shares sex video in group chat ‘by mistake’

A Korea Aerospace University student is being probed for sharing a sex video with the whole group of Aviation Operation majors via the country’s dominant chat app Kakao Talk, authorities said Friday.

According to the university, the 21-second video was uploaded on Tuesday onto a group chat that had 276 students and clearly showed the man and woman’s faces. The video went viral through the school’s online community, where students can post anonymously. 

(Korea Aerospace University-YouTube)
(Korea Aerospace University-YouTube)

University officials said the person responsible for the upload -- a current student -- was investigated by the student guidance committee on Thursday.

The student claimed that the act was a “mistake with no bad intentions” and apologized to his peers for uploading a personal video by mistake.

The controversial video was deleted all together on Thursday.

The university said it plans to continue grilling the student until Sunday and launch a disciplinary hearing committee to decide on the level of punishment next week.

By Catherine Chung (
