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Woman claims months of abuse by ex-boyfriend

 A woman filed a complaint against her former boyfriend for alleged dating violence and abuse that lasted for months, Gwangju police said Tuesday. The move came after she shared the extent of her injuries via social media that she claimed resulted from his violent acts,

According the Gwangju Dongbu Police Station, the victim was called into the station Tuesday to give her statements.

The victim alleged that her ex-boyfriend had physically assaulted her on several occasions since July last year. She also claimed to have been beaten even after she was hospitalized. 


He is accused of grabbing the victim by the hair, kicking her several times and hitting her over the head with a thermos bottle in front of a department store in Dong-gu, Gwangju.

The victim appeared to have suffered severe bruises, which were shared via social media on Saturday.

Along with the photos, the victim voiced concern over the possibility of additional victims of her ex-boyfriend’s escalating violence. In an effort to prevent more victims, she also partially shared his name and phone number.

The man could not be immediately reached for comment about the woman’s allegations.

Police authorities said they plan to call him in for questioning soon and verify facts regarding the woman’s claims.

By Catherine Chung (
