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Seoul city to expand inter-Korean cooperation organization

Seoul city government is expanding its organization involved in inter-Korean cooperation as cross-border ties are fast improving.

The leaders of the two Koreas agreed to restore cross-border exchanges and cooperation during their summit on April 27.

"We are seeking to establish a new bureau-level organization to handle inter-Korean exchanges," a city official said Sunday.

The metropolitan government has a four-member team responsible for affairs with North Korea. It has been dormant with inter-Korean ties frozen since 2010.


The expansion comes as the city's proposed exchanges with Pyongyang are expected to pick up speed, such as through the establishment of a joint water supply company, the creation of an animation industry complex in Pyongyang and joint efforts to list the North's historical sites on the UNESCO heritage list.

Seoul also seeks to co-host a South Korean national athletic event with Pyongyang and hold football friendly games between the two cities.

The official said the envisioned inter-Korean projects bureau is expected to include a department in charge of diplomacy with foreign cities, especially cities in developing countries. It also plans to create a new vice mayor post responsible for city diplomacy. (Yonhap)
