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S. Korea has right to make any foreign policy decision it sees appropriate: White House

John Kirby, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, is seen taking questions during a daily White House press briefing in Washington on June 12. (Yonhap)
John Kirby, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, is seen taking questions during a daily White House press briefing in Washington on June 12. (Yonhap)

South Korea is a sovereign nation that has the right to make its own foreign policy decisions, a ranking White House official said Monday.

John Kirby, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, made the remark about the Chinese Ambassador to South Korea, Xing Haiming, who argued that it would be wrong to bet on China's loss in its competition with the US, apparently accusing South Korea of siding with the US.

Kirby noted that the Chinese diplomat may have been seeking to put pressure on Seoul.

"It certainly appears as if there was some sort of pressure tactic here used," he told a daily press briefing.

"South Korea is a sovereign, independent nation, a terrific ally and a great friend not just in the region but around the world, and they have every right to make the kinds of foreign policy decisions they deem are appropriate," added Kirby.

Seoul has expressed its discontent, with a presidential official underscoring that inappropriate remarks by an ambassador could undermine the national interests of both the home and host countries.

Kirby said the US continues to be grateful for the support South Korea provides, "particularly with respect to Ukraine." (Yonhap)
