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Lohan to be charged with stealing necklace

Troubled US starlet Lindsay Lohan is to be formally charged Wednesday with stealing a 2,500 dollar necklace from a jewellery store, prosecutors said Tuesday.

The actress, who is on probation after completing a court-ordered spell in rehab for drug addiction, admits she took the necklace from a Venice Beach store but claims it was only on loan.

But Deputy District Attorney John Lynch said she will be arraigned in court Wednesday on one count of felony grand theft for allegedly stealing the necklace on January 22.

"The owner reported the theft to the Los Angeles Police Department, which investigated the allegation and presented evidence to the D.A.'s office last week," said a statement by the district attorney's office.

The 24-year-old actress checked out of the Betty Ford clinic near Palm Springs last month, following a spell there after she was briefly jailed in September for failing a court-ordered drug test.

Linsay Lohan (AP-Yonhap News)
Linsay Lohan (AP-Yonhap News)

Lohan was sentenced last July to serve 90 days in jail and another 90 days in rehab for violating her probation in a drunk-driving case. But due to jail overcrowding, she served just 13 days before being freed to the detox facility.

She was jailed again on September 25, but granted bail after only 15 hours behind bars and subsequently checked into rehab.

A queen of Hollywood nights and a favorite target of the paparazzi, the former Disney child star was once considered one of the most promising actresses of her generation.

But Lohan's career has dipped many times since 2005 amid legal woes, stops in rehab and cinematic flops.

In 2007, she spent just 84 minutes in jail after police arrested her twice for cocaine possession while driving -- in one instance crashing her Mercedes-Benz into a tree.

In 2008, the "Parent Trap" star received two Razzie Awards, the satirical prizes presented to Hollywood's worst acting performances.



<한글 기사>

`말썽꾼' 린제이 로한, 절도혐의 피소

`할리우드 말썽꾼'이란 별명이 붙어 다니는 여배우 린제이 로한(24)이 이번엔 절도 혐의로 처벌을 받게 됐다.

미국 로스앤젤레스(LA) 카운티 검찰은 8일 로한이 보석상에서 2천500달러짜리 목걸이를 훔친 혐의가 드러나 중절도 죄로 기소하기로 했다고 밝혔다.

검찰은 로한이 9일 오후 법원에 소환될 것이라고 덧붙였다.

LA 경찰은 지난달 22일 LA 인근 베니스 지역의 보석상에서 목걸이가 도난당한 사건 수사에 착수, 로한이 없어진 목걸이를 건 장면이 찍힌 비디오테이프를 입수해 로한의 베니스 자택에 대한 압수수색영장을 발부받았다.

영장 발부사실이 알려지자 로한의 측근이 영장집행 전에 목걸이를 경찰에 가져 온 것으로 알려졌다.

로한은 2007년 음주운전과 코카인 소지 혐의로 보호관찰형 3년을 선고받았고, 그 후 여러 차례 보호관찰 규정 위반으로 교도소를 들락거리는 말썽을 일으켰다.

최근에는 법원의 명령으로 3개월간 마약 재활센터에 입소했다가 지난달 초 나왔으나 재활센터에서도 직원을 폭행한 사건에 휘말려 이달 말 법원에 출석할 예정이다.

