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Posco’s premium steel, engineering solution used for PyeongChang Olympics

Premium steel products and an engineering solution by Posco were used for the construction of major facilities for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, the company said Wednesday.

Posco, the nation’s largest steelmaker, supplied steel products for the construction of major buildings at sites for the sporting event including the International Broadcasting Center, media residence and Gwandong Hockey Center.

The company said it had tailored steel structures for the construction of the broadcast center to increase safety and improve the design of the building. 

Media residence for PyeongChang Olympics(Posco)
Media residence for PyeongChang Olympics(Posco)

The steelmaker wrapped the walls of the media residence with Posco magnesium alloy coating, or PosMAC, to increase durability. PosMAC is galvanized steel that is five to 10 times more resistant to corrosion than standard steel, according to the company. Inside the building, the company used aluminum-plated Alcosta to achieve a glittering effect, as well as increased safety.

The construction of the 300-room media residence was completed last week, eight months after breaking ground. Each unit was premanufactured and assembled on site, reducing the construction period by 18 months.

The building, which consists of 300 units, can be moved and recycled after the Winter Olympics and reconstructed into a hotel or school dormitory, the company said.

The steelmaker plans to develop more construction projects to promote its steel products and engineering solutions for other international sports events.

By Cho Chung-un