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Trump touts meeting with Kim, halt in nuclear testing

WASHINGTON -- US President Donald Trump on Sunday defended his diplomatic efforts with North Korea, saying his meeting with leader Kim Jong-un was "a good thing" and the regime's halting of nuclear and ballistic missile tests was a "wonderful" fact.

In an interview with CBS, Trump was speaking about his upcoming summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin and how he has low expectations for the outcome.


"I think it's a good thing to meet. I do believe in meetings," he said in an excerpt of the interview aired Sunday. "I believe that having a meeting with Chairman Kim was a good thing. I think having meetings with the president of China was a very good thing.I believe it's really good."

Adding that he "believe(s) in" having meetings with Russia, China and North Korea, Trump said, "Nothing bad is going to come out of it, and maybe some good will come out."

Trump has come under fire from critics who argue that he lost all leverage with North Korea when he agreed to meet Kim in Singapore last month. They produced a joint statement committing Kim to the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for security guarantees from the US, but critics have bashed it as lacking in detail.

On Twitter Sunday, Trump slammed the media for its critical coverage.

"There hasn't been a missile or rocket fired in 9 months in North Korea, there have been no nuclear tests and we got back our hostages," he wrote. "Who knows how it will all turn out in the end, but why isn't the Fake News talking about these wonderful facts? Because it is FAKE NEWS!"

Last week Trump also tweeted a letter he received from Kim, in which the North Korean leader expressed hope for further progress in bilateral ties.

"A very nice note from Chairman Kim of North Korea. Great progress being made!" he wrote alongside images of the Korean and English versions of the letter.

More of the CBS interview is scheduled to air Monday. (Yonhap)
