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Busker Busker leader Jang Beom-june returns as YouTuber

Jang Beom-june, leader of the indie band “Busker Busker,” has joined the club of celebrity-turned-YouTubers after a long hiatus from music-related activities.

Jang greeted his loyal fans by uploading a cover of Black Pink Jennie’s “Solo” on his YouTube channel on Nov. 22. Previously, he had only uploaded tracks from his own albums and videos of his own live performances.


Fans were pleased to hear Jang’s unique interpretation of the song.

“It’s so cool that the cover sounds like an original -- I absolutely love it!” a YouTube user wrote.

Jang uploaded another video Monday, in which he and his daughter Jo-ah harvest sweet potatoes together. 


Jang was discharged from the military Sept. 10 following a knee injury.

By Kim Jee-min (