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KCDC encourages hygienic habits with Marvel’s ‘Avengers’

Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is using Marvel’s “Avengers” to promote habits that prevent the spread of diseases.

KCDC announced Sunday that it has distributed a public service advertisement video titled “Dreaming of Being a Superhero,” which features Marvel characters including Iron Man, The Hulk and Thor.


The video, shared on KCDC’s social media channels, shows how anyone can be a hero who protects one’s family by washing one’s hands with soap, and coughing or sneezing into one’s sleeve instead of hands.



KCDC plans to distribute posters that encourage hygienic habits to preschools.

“We will continue to hold disease prevention campaigns in creative ways,” said Jung Eun-kyung, director of the KCDC.

By Kim Jee-min (