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[팟캐스트] (523) 한국에서 팁 문화, 정착될까? / '난자 냉동시술비' 정부 지원


진행자: 최정윤, Ali Abbot

1. Tipping culture sparks controversy among Koreans

기사 요약: 늘어나는 '팁 문화'에 한국서 상반된 반응 나타나

[1] A popular Seoul-based bagel shop recently became a lightning rod when a photo from the shop went viral online. Sitting next to the cash register was a tip jar -- a sight that touched the nerves of many Koreans who feel store owners are shifting the burden of rising operating costs to consumers by attempting to introduce gratuities.

*rod: (쇠)막대기, lightening rod: 피뢰침, 논란의 대상

*touch the nerve of ~: ~의 반응을 불러 일으키다

*gratuity: (=tip) 팁

[2] Tipping is not expected or practiced by customers in South Korea, but over the years, a few local businesses have started asking for tips. The bagel place in question is famous for having a London theme -- the irony being that tipping is not essential in the UK, particularly in shops like that one where customers pick out their own products and walk up to the cashier to pay for them.

*in question: 문제의/ 얘기, 논의가 되고 있는

*essential: 필수적인, 필요한

[3] Much of the general population remains negative toward the practice of tipping. Kakao Mobility Corp., the operator of the nation’s biggest taxi-hailing service Kakao T, introduced a system last month where users can choose to add a tip to their fare when service was satisfactory. A recent survey by local pollster Open Survey showed that 71.7 percent of respondents said they are against the taxi platform’s tip function, with only 17.2 percent saying they are for it.

*hailing: (택시,버스 등을) 신호를 보내다, 부르다/ 우박, 쏟아붓는

*satisfactory: 만족스러운, 충분한

기사 원문:

2. Seoul to help women freeze their eggs

기사 요약: 서울 사는 20~49세 여성을 대상으로 난자 냉동 시술비 200만원 지원 나선 정부

[1] The Seoul Metropolitan Government said Thursday that it will provide up to 2 million won ($1,511) to 300 women who wish to freeze their eggs via cryopreservation from Sept. 1, as a part of the city government‘s measure to tackle the falling birth rate.

*cryopreservation: 냉동 보존, 저장

[2] All women of Korean nationality residing in Seoul who are of childbearing age -- between ages 20 and 49 -- are eligible to apply if they have resided in Seoul for more than six months and are looking to have children now or sometime in the future. Some applicants may be selected based on their household income and Anti-Mullerian Hormone results, which should be proven through documents that must be submitted during the application process. Applications must be made retroactively within a year after the cryopreservation process has been completed, and the process must begin after Sept. 1 to be eligible for the support.

*eligible: ~를 가질 수/ 할 수 있는

* retroactively: 소급적으로

[3] According to a survey conducted by CHA Fertility Center, 69.8 percent of unmarried women and 64 percent of married women are willing to preserve their eggs. However, the majority of women have not been able to do so as each cryopreservation procedure costs from 2.5 million won to 5 million won per session and is not covered by national health insurance.

*covered by: 보험이 적용되는/ cover: 표지, 이야기를 다루다, 덮다

기사 원문 :

By Choi Jeong-yoon (