[팟캐스트] (568) 아파트 캥거루족 68%, 결혼 전까지 독립 계획 없다
PodcastMar 21, 2024
진행자: 박준희, Ali Abbot 68% of Korean adults living with parents won’t move out until marriage 기사요약: 결혼 전까지 독립 계획이 없는 미혼 남녀들 많아졌다 [1] A recent survey showed that the vast majority of South Korean adults living with their parents in apartments have no plans to move out until they are married. * Recent: 최근의 * Majority: 다수 * Move out: (살던 집에서) 이사를 나가다 [2] Finances were a major factor, as 32 percent said the “cost of housing is too high,” while 23 percent said, “I’m conc