[팟캐스트] (462) 서울대 연구팀, 세계 최고 AI 학술대회에 표절논문 제출 / 싸이월드, 유족에 데이터상속… 사진첩 등 접근권한 준다
Jun 29, 2022
*진행자: 간형우, Naomi Garyan 1. SNU research team busted for blatant plagiarism [1] A research team under Seoul National University admitted to submitting a plagiarized paper at an international conference after accusations spread online. The team, led by professor Yoon Sung-roh from the prestigious Seoul National University, submitted a paper at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition held earlier this week in New Orleans. *plagiarize: 표절하다 *accusation: 혐의(제기), 비난, 고발