[팟캐스트] (456) ‘가족’ 구성은 부모와 자녀가 있어야? 개념 바뀐다 / 식물 키우기, 마음 테라피 되다
May 17, 2022
진행자: 조혜림, Naomi Garyan 1. Family matters ... or does it? 부제: Studies suggest growing number of young Koreans are parting ways with the traditional concept of family 기사 요약: ‘가족’을 떠올리면 부모와 자녀가 떠오르는가? 늘어나는 비혼과 딩크족에 가족의 개념이 바뀌고 있다. [1] A married couple and their children is what usually pops up in most people’s heads when hearing the word “family,” at least until now. But recent research indicates that this picture may be changing for a growing number of the lo