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Readers’ VOICE

On gambling ...

Gambling should be legalized in Korea just like in other nations. First of all, gambling businesses stimulate the economy.

Currently, the police in Korea restrict illegal gambling. If casinos were allowed in Korea, spending on the police would decrease and these units would be deployed to other necessary departments such as protecting citizens from crime.

Casinos create jobs. In the process of building casinos, many people would be hired for the construction. After the construction, casinos would hire dealers and security. This would lead to a decrease in the unemployment rate of young people.

Furthermore, gambling sites can be utilized as attractions. More foreigners would visit Korea’s “Vegas.” leading to more money entering Korea and also advertising Korea to the rest of the world.

Secondly, the number of criminals would decrease.

It is true that no matter how hard the government tries to forbid gambling, there still will be illegal gambling. If gambling were legalized in Korea, illegal gambling would decrease, leading to fewer “criminals.” With fewer illegal gamblers, the government would be able to fortify safety by putting actual criminals (who are not just gamblers) in jail.

Gamblers would not be labeled criminals any more. According to the labeling effect, when someone is labeled a criminal, there is a greater possibility for him or her to be violent, malicious, more criminal-like. Without labeling, there would be fewer “villainous” gamblers.

Korea should allow gambling for economic development and a decrease in violence.

― Yuh Yunsung, Daegu

I think it would be really bad for Korean culture. Then again, it’s hypocritical that there are casinos here for foreigners.

― Jenny Hogg, Seoul, via Twitter

Gambling is a scourge. And governments here would do well not to get addicted to the revenues.

― Mike Weisbart, Seoul, via Twitter

On abortion ...

The answer is very simple: Abortions will continue as long as the Korean government still treats unwed mothers as second class citizens and doesn’t take any action to equalize the rights of women in accordance with their male “colleagues” in Korea. Women would be far more likely to keep their children if there was no stigmatization and there was a little bit more governmental money available for them.

Encouraging women to keep their children would also increase the very, very low birthrate in Korea, right? Tough laws are only for policymakers who still keep their heads in the sand, just like in the ‘50s in western countries!

― Eun-Shil Park, Busan, via Facebook