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테러 뉴스 오래 보면 현장 경험보다 더 해로워

지난 4월 15일 발생한 미국 보스턴 마라톤 폭탄테러사건 이후 관련 뉴스를 하루 6시간 접한 사람은 테러 현장에 있었던 사람보다 더 큰 '정신적 외상'(트라우마)을 겪은 것으로 조사됐다.

미 캘리포니아 어바인대학 록산느 코헌 실버 심리학교수는 9일 미 국립과학협회보에 실린 보고서를 통해 "폭탄 테러와 관련해 미디어 노출이 현장 경험보다 트라우마 예측변수로서 더 큰 작용을 했다"고 지적했다.

연구팀은 보스턴 마라톤 폭탄테러 발생 1~2주 후 4천675명의 미국 성인을 대상으로 미디어 소비와 심리적 스트레스 증상을 설문조사했다.

폭탄 테러 보도를 하루 1시간 접했다는 응답자와 6시간 이상 접한 응답자를 비교한 결과 후자의 경우 급성 스트레스를 겪었다고 밝힌 비율이 9배나 많았다.

실버 교수는 보스턴 마라톤 폭탄테러 발생후 1주일 기간에 조사대상자들은 소셜미디어, 영상, 신문, TV를 통해 하루 평균 4.7시간 관련 뉴스를 소비했다고 밝혔다.

그녀는 테러 현장의 끔찍한 장면이 주요 언론사에서 걸러져 보도됐으나 목격자들이 찍은 편집되지 않은 사진과 비디오가 트위터, 유튜브, 페이스북 등 소셜미디어를 통해 널리 유포됐다고 지적했다.

이번 보고서는 보스턴 마라톤대회 폭탄테러와 관련한 디지털 및 전통 미디어의 보도를 계속 접했을때 받게 되는 심리적 영향에 관한 문제점을 제기했다.

컬럼비아대학 저널리즘스쿨 부설 다트센터의 브루스 샤피로 사무국장은 조사 결과는 언론기관의 윤리 문제를 제기하고 있으며 '대리 트라우마' 현상에 관한 이전의 조사 내용과 유사하다고 말했다.

샤피로 국장은 그러나 "단기적으로 나타나는 급성 스트레스가 반드시 '외상 후 스트레스 장애'(PTSD)로 이어진다는 표시로 봐서는 안 된다"면서 "급성 스트레스 증세와 PTSD의 상관 관계를 알기위해서는 더 많은 조사가 필요하다"고 말했다.

실버 교수는 "오늘날 미디어는 소비자가 영상에 접근하기 쉽고 되풀이해서 시청할 수 있다"면서 "테러와 같이 끔찍한 영상을 반복 시청하는 것은 결코 심리적으로 이로울 것이 없다는 것을 미디어 소비자들이 알아야 한다"고 지적했다. (연합뉴스)


Viewing news of trauma worse than experiencing it: study

After the Boston marathon bombings, people who spent six hours a day scouring media for updates were more traumatized than those who were actually there, a US study suggested Monday.

The study raised questions about the psychological impact of repeated exposure to violence via digital and traditional media in the first major terror attack on US soil since September 11, 2001.

The findings were based on a survey of 4,675 US adults taken shortly after the deadly April 15 attacks and the frenzied five-day manhunt in which one suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed and his brother, Dzhokhar, was arrested.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is accused of setting off homemade pressure cooker bombs at the race's finish line, killing three people and wounding 260, some of whom had limbs blown off by the force of the blasts.

Many of the bloodiest images were cropped or modified by major media outlets, but unedited pictures snapped by witnesses and raw video circulated widely on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and other social media, said study co-author Roxane Cohen Silver.

"What was striking was the impact of this media exposure even for people who knew nobody, who weren't there that day," Silver, professor of psychology at the University of California Irvine, told AFP.

"Media exposure was a stronger predictor of acute stress response than having been there," she said.

Acute stress response was defined as a set of symptoms including intrusive thoughts and ruminations, flashbacks, feeling on edge or hypervigilant, and trying to avoid reminders of the event.

Survey respondents were asked within two to four weeks of the bombings about their media consumption the week after the attacks, and about their psychological stress symptoms.

People who were there, or who knew someone who was, were more likely to experience signs of acute stress than people who were not there, and were also more likely to view more media about the attacks, said the findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

But an even stronger indication of psychological stress was whether a person viewed and read six hours or more per day of media pertaining to the bombings, said Silver.

"It wasn't that the direct exposure was not important, it was just that above and beyond having been there, media exposure was an even stronger predictor of acute stress response," she said.

When comparing people who viewed one hour a day of media about the attacks to people who consumed six hours or more, the latter group was nine times more likely to report acute stress, said the study.

Silver said the average media consumption by survey respondents was 4.7 hours per day, and typically included browsing social media, watching videos of the bombings, reading news stories and viewing television news reports.

Bruce Shapiro, executive director of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at Columbia University, said the study's findings raise important ethical questions for news organizations, and are in line with previous research on a phenomenon known as "vicarious traumatization."

However, he pointed out that acute stress seen in the short term is not necessarily an indicator of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

"It will take further study before we know if people's rise in acute stress symptoms turns into or feeds long-term psychological injury," Shapiro told AFP.

"It doesn't become PTSD until the characteristic problems go on for more than six weeks and interfere in some significant way with people's lives."

Silver said modern media has made it easier than ever for people to access images that may be disturbing, especially if seen over and over, and the new digital landscape can often leave it up to the individual whether to look or to look away.

"People should be aware there is no psychological benefit to repeated exposure to pictures of horror," she said. (AP)

