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Siwon acts in audio play to help the blind

Choi Siwon from group Super Junior has starred in an audio play in aid of the disabled.

Choi recently volunteered to feature in the dramatization of Joachim de Posada’s bestseller “The Giant Peter: A journey to Find Meaning in Life.”

This is not the first time he has donated his talent. Previously, he volunteered to perform for the disabled several times. 

Even though he had to stay up all night recording “The Giant Peter,” Choi did not have any complaints. Choi is planning to donate the proceeds from “The Giant Peter” to the blind.

Choi was recently confirmed to be starring in Jackie Chan’s upcoming film “Dragon Blade,” along with Chan, Mel Gibson and John Cusack.

By Grace Cho, Intern reporter (

[Photo Credit: OSEN]
