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[Bangladesh] A message from the President of Bangladesh

Md. Abdul Hamid President of Bangladesh
Md. Abdul Hamid President of Bangladesh
Today is 26th March, the Independence Day of Bangladesh. On the occasion of our great Independence and National Day, I extend my heartfelt greetings and warm felicitations to my fellow countrymen living at home and abroad.

On this historic day, I remember with profound respect the architect of our independent Bangladesh, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. I pay my deep homage to the millions of martyrs who made supreme sacrifice in the war of liberation. I also recall with deep reverence our four National Leaders, valiant freedom-fighters, organizers, supporters, our foreign friends and people from all walks of life who made immense contributions to attain our right to self-determination and the war of liberation. Their contributions to the history of our independence would be written in golden letters forever.

We have achieved our hard-earned independence through huge sacrifices. Bangabandhu always cherished a dream of building a happy and prosperous country along with attaining political emancipation. Keeping that in mind, the present Government has been rendering untiring efforts in materializing the dream of Bangabandhu. Today, Bangladesh is moving towards the highway of development at a tremendous pace. We have achieved enormous success in various areas of socio-economic development including poverty alleviation, education, health, human resources development, women empowerment, reduction of child and maternal mortality rates, elimination of gender discrimination and increase in average life expectancy. Rate of poverty has been dropped. High growth of GDP is continuing. Per capita income has tripled over the past decade. The construction of the Padma Bridge is also going on in full swing by our own resources. The Ruppur Nuclear Power Plant is underway. Bangladesh has been able to surpass herself not only the neighbouring countries of South Asia but also many developed countries in terms of various indicators of socio-economic development. We are dreaming of a developed Bangladesh by the year 2041. Initiative has been taken up to frame the ‘Second Perspective Plan’ spanning from 2021 to 2041 in this regard. The Delta Plan 2100 has been formulated in order to achieve the status of a prosperous and developed country combating the long-term challenges for sustainable water, climate, environment and land system. With the continuation of development process, Bangladesh will raise its position high in the world as a prosperous country by 2041, insha Allah.

In pursuing our diplomatic objectives, the government has been consistent in upholding the principle of “Friendship to all, malice towards none” as enunciated by Father of the Nation. Our achievement in the international arena, including the establishment of world peace, is also commendable. Our expatriate Bangladeshis have also been making significant contributions to our national economy by sending their hard-earned remittances. Nevertheless, we have to go a long way towards achieving the desired goal of independence. We must be ensured good governance, social justice, transparency and accountability to make the development people-oriented and sustainable. Forbearance, human rights and rule of law have to be consolidated for institutionalizing democracy. National Parliament will have to make as the centre of hopes and aspirations of the people. For this, the ruling party as well as the opposition would have to play a constructive role in the parliament.

Bangabandhu is the source of eternal inspiration for the Bangali nation. This year, the government has declared ‘Mujib Year’ to celebrate the birth centenary of Bangabandhu in a befitting manner. Being imbued with the spirit of the liberation war let it be the pledge in ‘Mujib Year’ to turn our country into ‘Sonar Bangla’ by completing the unfinished tasks of Bangabandhu. The golden jubilee of our independence will be observed in 2021 with great enthusiasm. Bangladesh will enter into a new chapter-a new horizon. With the concerted efforts of all, let our beloved motherland be a poverty-free developed one; it is my expectation on Independence Day.
Md. Abdul Hamid
President of Bangladesh

