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T.O.P. says he doesn’t understand SNS

Actor and Big Bang member T.O.P revealed the reason why he is not active on SNS during a press conference for his photo exhibition “From Top Exhibition” on Wednesday.

“My job itself requires me to stand in front of a camera all the time. So I don’t really enjoy selfies,” T.O.P. replied to a reporter’s question regarding selfies and SNS. “For SNS, that’s something that I don’t get. I rather spend that time on working hard.”

(YG Entertainment)
(YG Entertainment)
The determined star also explained that the photo exhibition was to remember the boldness that only comes from youth, which he can reflect on when he is old.

T.O.P’s photo exhibition will display unseen photos along with those handpicked from his first photobook “1st Pictorial Records From Top.”

By Ha Ji-won, Intern reporter (
