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‘Conversation between Chopin’s nocturnes and I has begun’

Pianist Paik Kun-woo releases album, prepares for nationwide tour

Following recitals of Beethoven’s piano sonatas in 2017, pianist Paik Kun-woo has taken up a new challenge this year -- studying the world of Chopin through his nocturnes.

On Tuesday, Paik released a complete recording of Chopin’s 21 nocturnes, under the Deutsche Grammophon label.

“The nocturnes all suddenly seemed so new to me,” Paik said during a press conference at Mapo Art Center in western Seoul on Tuesday. 

Pianist Paik Kun-woo speaks during a press conference at Mapo Art Center on Tuesday. (Yonhap)
Pianist Paik Kun-woo speaks during a press conference at Mapo Art Center on Tuesday. (Yonhap)

“I have been playing the nocturnes since my years at Julliard. They are amazing compositions, but I have not been able to properly understand them,” said Paik. “The pieces, however, now came to me, and it is as if a conversation between Chopin’s nocturnes and I has begun.”

Explaining the track list, the 73-year-old pianist expressed his affection for the pieces.

“I took a look at all of the works written by Chopin. But pondering upon what best represents Chopin’s world -- the nocturnes were the answer. I personally think the nocturnes are what Chopin really wanted to say,” the seasoned performer said.

“The sounds are soft yet dynamic. The piano sounds should shine without too much power, which is a challenging task.”

In September, Paik recorded the tracks at Tongyeong Concert Hall, the venue of the annual Tongyeong International Music Festival in the southern coastal city, for about a week.

“For the first few days, the weather was cloudy, which made the piano sound a little dull. But as the days went on, the weather turned fine -- affecting the sounds. I eventually had to re-record some tracks,” he said.

In celebration of the release, the pianist will go on a nationwide tour of 11 cities from March 12 to April 20, starting with the opening recital at Mapo Art Center. Paik has always been passionate about performing in smaller cities.

“Culture is a right for everyone,” he said. “It is my pleasure and duty to deliver good music. If the opportunity arises, I try my best to hold recitals outside of Seoul.”

Though the tour has been arranged to promote the new album, the recital program will include more than just the nocturnes, including Impromptu No. 2 in F sharp Major, “Polonaise-Fantasy,” movements from Waltz in A Minor and Ballade No. 1 in G Minor.

“The nocturnes are lovely to listen to at home alone. But at a large hall, it may be difficult for the audience to appreciate the program. Through a mixed program, the nocturne compositions may shine more,” said the pianist.

Paik will join the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia “Evgeny Svetlanov” in performing Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat Minor, under the baton of Arman Tigranyan.

The concerts on March 29 and 30 will be held in Andong, North Gyeongsang Province, and Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, respectively. The April 3 concert will take place at the Lotte Concert Hall in eastern Seoul.

By Im Eun-byel (