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S. Korea to discuss countermeasures for Japan's textbook claims to Dokdo

  South Korea plans to hold an inter-agency meeting Monday to discuss responses in case Japan renews its territorial claims to the South's easternmost islets of Dokdo in a series of new middle school textbooks, official said.

   The meeting of officials from the foreign ministry, the Prime Minister's Office and the education ministry will discuss bolstering Seoul's territorial control of the rocky islets and other steps to take if Japan's government authorizes texts containing claims to Dokdo, the official said.

   Possible measures could include starting repair work at the heliport on Dokdo.

   "Our policy is to respond sternly to Japan's territorial claims to Dokdo and we will demonstrate this not by words, but by action,"

the official said. "However, we need to maintain the large policy framework of seeking future-oriented Korea-Japan relations while facing up to history."

   Japanese school textbooks accused of laying claims to Dokdo or glorifying the country's wartime past have long been considered a thorn in relations between the two countries as resentment over Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule of Korea still runs deep here.

   Japan's government is conducting a review of a series of history, geography and other middle school textbooks. The result is expected to come as early as this week amid concern that it could hurt the warming ties between the two countries.

   South Korean has rejected Tokyo's claims to Dokdo as nonsense and as a sign that the country has not repented for its militaristic past. South Korean coast guard officers have been stationed on Dokdo since 1954 to mark Seoul's ownership.


정부, '독도 영유권' 日교과서검정 대책회의

    (서울=연합뉴스) 노재현 기자 = 정부는 일본의 중학교 교과서 검정 결과 발표를 앞두고 28일 오후 국무총리실, 외교통상부, 교육과학기술부 등 관계부처가 참여하는 '독도영토관리대책단' 회의를 개최한다.

    정부는 회의에서 이달 말 일본이 독도 영유권 기술을 강화한 교과서 검정  결과 를 발표할 경우 대응방안을 다각도로 검토할 예정이다.

    정부는 독도 헬리포트(헬리콥터 이착륙장)의 보수공사에 본격 착수하고  문제교 과서의 채택 확산을 저지하는 방안 등을 검토하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

    정부 당국자는 이날 기자들과 만나 "정부는 일본의 독도 영유권 주장에  단호하 게 대응하는 기조이고 이제 말이 아니라 행동으로 보여줄 것"이라며 "다만 우리  입 장에서는 과거를 직시하면서 미래 지향적 한.일관계라는 큰 틀을 유지할 필요가  있다"고 말했다.
