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Winning lottery slip found in lost wallet

A wallet has been returned to its owner one week after being lost -- with a winning lottery ticket still inside.

The winner is said to have bought 10 pension-type lottery tickets, handing them out to friends and keeping just one.

After getting drunk, however, he lost his bag with the wallet inside. Luckily, he was able to get the belongings back a week after the announcement of the winner.

The winner of pension-type lottery will receive 5 million won ($4,700) every month for next 20 years.

The fortunate man is said to have enjoyed sharing lottery tickets, and one of his acquaintances had previously won the top prize.

Meanwhile, the new pension-type game issued by the Korea Union Lottery is only three weeks old, with the third round’s results announced Wednesday.

The winner for the first round had won the first and second place together, which also had captured the public’s attention.

By Kang Yoon-seung
Edited by Rob York

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잃어버린 지갑속에 복권.. 1등 당첨돼

잃어 버렸다가 되찾은 지갑에 1등 당첨 복권이 들어있는 놀라운 일이 발생했다.

제 2회 연금복권520 당첨자는 복권 10장을 산 뒤, 지인들에게 나누어 주고 술을 마신 뒤 실수로 지갑을 잃어버렸다. 다행히도 당첨자가 발표된 지 2주 후에 지갑을 되찾을 수 있었다.

평소에도 복권을 나눠 주는 것을 즐겼던 당첨자는, 예전에 자신이 준 복권이 1등에 당첨되기도 하였다고 밝혔다.

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제 3회 당첨자는 이번 수요일에 발표된다