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Body count grows in a South African murder mystery

JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- More than a year after the owner of a string of South African strip clubs was shot and killed, police are still chasing his killer. Now the recent deaths of men linked to Lolly Jackson have added to the mystery.

In this photo taken Sept. 28, 2011, the crime scene where Mark Andrews was found shot dead is cordoned off by police investigating the murder, near Johannesburg. (AP)
In this photo taken Sept. 28, 2011, the crime scene where Mark Andrews was found shot dead is cordoned off by police investigating the murder, near Johannesburg. (AP)

Police reports read like a crime thriller, complete with graphic violence, sex and cash.

It began May 3, 2010, when police received a call from a man who said he wanted to surrender after killing Jackson. Police went to a house that belonged to Jackson's friend near Johannesburg's airport and found the strip club tycoon's body. He had been shot several times.

The caller, however, had left in Jackson's car before police arrived, they said. The caller has been identified and police said they are pursuing him as the suspect, but no arrests have been made and he has fled to his native Cyprus.

Jackson was known for his love of flashy cars, periodic legal encounters with police and employees, and the provocative billboards of his Teazers clubs. In life, he proudly called himself the ``King of Teaze,'' and reveled in clashes with South Africa's advertising authorities over his billboards featuring models in lingerie and the double entendre _ just barely _ slogans.

In death, the Teazers website still features a photograph of Jackson, the son of a Greek immigrant to Africa. The same photo was blown up larger than life to greet hundreds of friends and relatives and dozens of journalists at Jackson's funeral. It shows the burly Jackson with his hair slicked back, wearing a tuxedo and bow tie, a white rose tucked into his lapel.

He was eulogized at his funeral as a ``man of true quality,'' though one speaker acknowledged he ``lacked a bit of polish.''

Last month, the charred body of Jackson's lawyer was found in the burned remains of his car near Johannesburg. Days later, Jackson's former business partner, Mark Andrews, was found dead on an isolated stretch of highway near Johannesburg.

Andrews ``was shot in the back of the head and his hands were tied behind his back,'' police spokesman Lungelo Dlamini told The Associated Press.

Dlamini said police were still investigating, and could not confirm media reports the three deaths were linked.

The headlines might make it seem South Africa is overwhelmed by mafia-style violence. In fact, murder rates have been dropping steadily since 1994. The police minister said earlier this month that murders fell by 6.5 percent in the past year to 15,940 _ the lowest since the end of apartheid in 1994. South Africa still has one of the highest crime rates in the world.

Local media, in a kind of morbid round of six degrees of separation, have linked other deaths since 2009 to Jackson. By some accounts, the body count is 10, among them a bouncer and a private investigator said to have worked for a Czech businessman living in South Africa who is wanted in his homeland on fraud and other charges.

Dlamini said he could not confirm reports that any of these deaths were connected, and they had no suspects in the deaths of the strip club boss's lawyer or his former business partner.

But police said the man who made that May 2010 phone call is a suspect in Jackson's killing. The man, known as George Smith or George Louca, fled to his native Cyprus after Jackson was killed. From there, as authorities wrangle over his extradition, Smith-Louca has given interviews to South African reporters, claiming that if he were brought back to South Africa, he would implicate others in money laundering, bribery and other crimes.

``We're still making those efforts to get George Louca, or whatever his name is, from Cyprus,'' McIntosh Polela, spokesman for an elite South African police unit known as the Hawks, told AP.

Polela said the investigating was stalled until the suspect can be brought to South Africa, but that police would look into possible links to other killings.

``But we don't want to speculate,'' he said.




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마치 한 편의 갱 영화를 보는 듯한 이번 사건은 지난해 5월 대형 스트립쇼 술집 체인 '티저스' 소유주 롤리 잭슨이 요하네스버그 OR 탐보국제공항 인근 자택에서 총 에 맞아 숨진 채 발견된 시점으로 거슬러 올라간다.

뉴스포털 '뉴스24'에 따르면 당시 한 남자가 경찰에 전화를 걸어 자신이 그를 총으로 쐈다고 신고해 경찰관이 현지에 출동한 끝에 잭슨의 사망을 확인했다.

하지만 사건 수사가 답보상태를 면하지 못하고 있던 중 잭슨의 변호사인 이안 조단이 이달 21일 요하네스버그 서쪽 크루거스도프 길가에서 숨진 채 발견됐다.

또 28일 오전 3시께 잭슨의 사업 파트너였던 마크 필립 앤드루스(36)가 머리에 총을 맞아 목숨이 끊긴 채 요하네스버그 남부 앨버튼 국도변에 버려져 있는 게 경찰 에 의해 목격됐다.

앤드루스는 당초 잭슨과 막역한 관계였으나 최근 수년 동안 사이가 틀어져 한 티저스 체인점을 놓고 소유권 재판을 벌이는 등 다툼을 벌여왔다.

변호사 조단은 숨지기 직전 180만랜드(약 2억6천만원)를 모종의 해외계좌에  이 체한 것으로 알려졌다. 이 돈은 잭슨이 사망하기 직전 앤드루스와의 민사 재판 변호 비용으로 조단이 수탁자로 있는 신탁계좌에 입금한 것이었다고 일간 프리토리아뉴스 는 전했다.

조단은 뒤집힌 채 전소한 그의 픽업트럭 위에 역시 새까맣게 탄 시신으로  발견 돼 형체를 알아볼 수 없을 정도여서 경찰이 최종 신원 확인을 위해 유전자 검사를 하고 있다.

이런 상황에서 잭슨과 법정 다툼을 벌여온 앤드루스가 조단 사건의 용의선상에 올랐으나 그가 누군가에 의해 '처형'된 것이다.

앤드루스 주검은 양손이 앞으로 묶인 채로 뒤통수에 한 발의 총탄을 맞은, 처형 당한 것 같은 자세로 엎어져 있었다.

더욱이 앤드루스는 자신이 함정에 빠졌다며 경찰에 이번 주 중 자진출두할 계획 이었으나 27일 납치돼 다음날 새벽 시체로 발견됐다고 프리토리아뉴스는 29일  전했 다.

이와 관련, 앤드루스는 그동안 '거물들'에게 빚을 졌으나 이를 탕감하지 못한 상황이었다고 뉴스포털 '뉴스24'는 소개했다.

또 변호사 조단이 거액을 이체한 계좌는 앤드루스의 계좌였으나 앤드루스는  단 지 중간책에 불과한 것으로 보인다고 프리토리아 뉴스는 덧붙였다.

경찰은 변호사 조단으로 추정되는 시신에 대한 유전자 검사를 하고 있으며 이번 사건들 간의 연계성에 대해서는 섣불리 단정할 수 없다는 원칙적인 태도를 보이고 있다.

하지만 누가 왜 이런 범행을 저질렀는지를 둘러싼 의문이 속출하는 가운데 남아 공 언론매체들은 이번 사건에 대한 열띤 속보 경쟁을 벌이고 있다.  (연합뉴스)
