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South African wins World Press Photo with Afghan portrait

THE HAGUE (AFP) - A portrait of an Afghan woman disfigured as punishment for abandoning her marital home won the 2010 World Press Photo award for South African Jodi Bieber, organisers said Friday.

Two AFP photographers, Olivier Laban-Mattei and Christophe Archambault were also honouredd for their work.

First appearing on the front page of Time Magazine on August 1, 2010, Bieber's photograph shows Afghani Bibi Aisha staring into the lense, her nose and ears hacked off by members of the Taliban who accused her of abandoning her husband.

(TIME Magazine cover)
(TIME Magazine cover)

"This could become one of those pictures -- and we have maybe just 10 in our lifetime -- where if somebody says: 'you know, that picture of a girl', you know exactly which one they're talking about," jury chairman David Burnett was quoted as saying in a statement issued by the awards committee.

Aisha had fled back to her family home complaining of violent treatment at the hands of her husband.

The shot of the 18-year-old, her black shoulder-length hair partly covered by a purple headscarf, also won in the category "Portraits".

After she was disfigured, Aisha was rescued by aid workers and American soldiers and later underwent reconstructive surgery in the United States, where she now lives.

Frenchman Laban-Mattei won the category "General Information" with a photo series on the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti.  

One of his pictures shows a man throwing the corpse of a dead child onto a pile of dead bodies at a hospital morgue.

His compatriot Christophe Archambault came third in the category "Nature"
for a series on the erupting volcano Bromo, in Java.

Organisers said a record number of 108,059 images was submitted for this year's contest. A total of 5,847 photographers took part, representing 125 different nationalities.

For more photos, go to

코 잘린 여성' 사진, 보도대상 선정

    (런던=연합뉴스) 코가 잘린 아프가니스탄 여성의 모습을 담은 사진이 2010 세계 보도사진 대상(World Press Photo award 2010)에 선정됐다고  BBC 가 11일 보도했다.

    이 사진은 남편의 학대를 피해 도망쳤다가 남편에 의해 코와 두 귀가 무참히 잘 려나간 비비 아이샤라는 이름의 18세 아프간 여성의 모습을 담고 있다.

    남아프리카 프리랜서 여성 사진작가 조디 비에버(44)가 촬영한 이 사진은 시사 주간지 타임의 8월 1일자 표지를 통해 세계에 충격을 줬다.

    이 사진이 보도되면서 가정 폭력의 잔혹성과 여성 인권 문제에 대한 경각심을 일깨웠으며 출판의 자유를 둘러싼 논란도 빚어졌다.

    사진의 주인공인 아이샤는 처형당한 뒤 버려졌다가 미군에 의해 구조돼 현재 미 국에 살고 있다.

    심사위원단은 "충격적인 장면이기는 하지만 여성에게 행해지는 폭력을 품위있는 이미지로 담아냈다"고 평가했다.
