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Police under fire for ignoring threat before gruesome murder

Local police in Essex, Britain, came under fire after they ignored 100 text messages by a man threatening to kill his ex-partner.

He shot the woman and their 2-year-old dead in their home on Sunday, according to Daily Mail Online.

The killer also shoved his shotgun into the mouth of her 10-year-old daughter, who saved her life by climbing through the window onto the kitchen roof, according to the report.

The report said that the 38-year-old woman named Chrissie Chambers handed police menacing text messages from David Oakes.

Chambers, 38, formally reported to local police that he repeatedly threatened to kill her during a bitter row over access to their daughter.

Oakes was under a non-molestation order that prevented him from coming within 100 yards of her.

“She gave police over 100 text messages but they never took her seriously,” Stuart Flitt, 26, who is a half brother to Chelsea, was quoted as saying.

He had been staying round her home for her own safety, he added.

Officers had also been called to the house a number of times over the past two years, according to the report.

Citing a close friend of the family, the report said the police said to her “We cannot do anything until something happens to you.”

Oakes has been described as an “abusive, jealous woman hater.” He committed the crime hours before a court appearance over the custody of the murdered daughter.

The former couple split seven weeks ago.

The man is in hospital with injuries after turning the gun on himself at the end of a two-hour stand-off.

(Herald Online)

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 살해협박문자를 경찰 보여줬지만, 결국 사망

영국 에섹스 경찰은 살인 협박 문자 100통을 무시한 이유로 원성을 사고 있다.

두딸을 둔 크리시 체임버스가 경찰에게 자신의 전 남편가 보낸 100여통의 협박문자를 보여주었지만 당국은 심각하게 받아들이지않았고

며칠후 그녀는 그녀의 2살짜리 딸과 함께 총으로 살해 당했다고 데일리 메일 온라인판이 보도했다.

체임버스와 2살배기 딸은 죽음을 면치 못했지만, 10살 딸은 창문을 통해 옥상으로 도망쳐 나와 극적으로 살 수 있었다고 전했다.

살해자이름은 데이비드 옥스로 이 남자는 체임버스에게 그들의 딸 문제로 다투다가 이후 문자로 위협하고 지속적으로 죽이겠다고 협박했다. 

옥스의 비정상적인 행동 때문에 지난 2년간 경찰을 수십차례 부르기도 했지만 경찰은 그녀에게 무슨 일이 일어나지 않는 한 행동을 취할 수 없다고 데일리 메일이 보도했다.

옥스는 폭력적이고 여자를 혐오하는 성격으로 두딸들의 대한 양육권을 위한 재판이 있기 몇 시간 전 살인을 범했다. 옥스와 체임버스는 7주전 이혼했다.

그는 경찰과 두 시간 가량 맞서다가 자신에게 총상을 입혔으며 현재 병원에 입원 중이다.
