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[Band Uprising] ‘Just kidding’: Super Kidd puts the humor back into punk rock

‘Just remember, although we may be funny, we are not funny looking.’

As the Korean music market begins to receive more international recognition, the local band scene is looking to rise up and represent the next generation of Korean music. This is the 13th installment of a series of interviews with Korean rock, acoustic and alternative bands. ― Ed.

The members of often light-hearted punk trio Super Kidd say they are doing all they can to keep the true spirit of punk alive.

With their side-splitting satire, rockers HerCheck, Zingo and Heavy Potter are a constant reminder of the old adage: “Laughter is the best medicine.”

Super Kidd takes an upbeat blend of punk rock and dance pop beats and mashes them together with hysterical lyrics that deal with anything from break-ups to just wanting to curse as much as humanly possible. Even the group’s name is a play on “super kidding.”

“We are a very energetic bunch,” vocalist and rapper HerCheck told The Korea Herald. “Our style of music definitely borders on black comedy. We love to take social issues that are normally difficult or uncomfortable for people to talk about and approach them in a humorous manner. By doing this we feel that we not only make people laugh, but we also make these sorts of topics easier to discuss.”
Super Kidd (Courtesy of Super Kidd)
Super Kidd (Courtesy of Super Kidd)

In December, Super Kidd released its most recent track, “Wedding Invitation,” a low-tempo single about a man’s reaction after receiving a wedding invite from his ex-girlfriend.

“It’s a story that I think anyone can relate to, whether you have been in that particular situation or not,” Zingo explained. “Nowadays, you sometimes receive wedding invitations on the phone; so all of a sudden you see this invite and you see a picture of the two of them ― they look so happy ― and you just can’t help but zoom in on her face and then look at the guy next to her. Now you are left in this difficult state of contemplation.”

As opposed to the song taking the typical love ballad approach of being in utter disarray for letting the love of your life get away, yet still hoping he or she comes to find true happiness ― Super Kidd instead chooses to stay true to its slapstick nature.

“So the song is all about saying, ‘Screw it, no matter what, I’m going to live a better life than you,’” Zingo said with a smile.

“You can think of this song as being from the perspective of a real jerk of a Korean man not taking the high road,” HerCheck added with a laugh.

The rockers admit that a lot of their songs’ subjects come from real life experiences. However, they sometimes get inspiration from listening to their friends vent about their problems, or even eavesdropping on other people in public.

“When we are out eating or drinking with friends, the conversations can get really juicy,” Zingo explained. “Sometimes I’m even just listening to the people around us and there have been times when I realized their stories would make for a good song; so in that case I actually start writing notes on my phone.”

Super Kidd debuted as a five-member band in 2006, with an eponymous first studio album. Right off the bat the members made a splash with their hilarious on- and offstage antics and explicit songs, including the popular single “Whatever.” Although the song was not the album’s lead track, the single sent waves of laughter throughout the underground punk scene, as the bandmates sought to break the world record for most profanity in a single song.

In the “Whatever” music video, the bandmates note the world’s Top 5 most profane songs, with popular American hard rock band Deftones’ “7 Words” reigning at the top with 81 cuss words. Clearly noting their intentions to outdo this feat, the Super Kidd pranksters not only succeeded in cursing more than 81 times in their track, but cemented their record with a whopping final tally of 193.

“Just remember, although we may be funny, we are not funny looking,” HerCheck quipped.

Super Kidd will perform at the upcoming two-day EXIT Soundholic rock festival in Seoul on June 21 at the Sports Complex Stadium in Jamsil.

By Julie Jackson (