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[Newsmaker] ‘Feminist, no. You’re a mental illness’: San E causes outrage during concert

Rapper’s disparaging remarks come just weeks after controversial single “Feminist”

Rapper San E has yet again managed to put himself in the headlines after offending the audience with his comments about feminism during a concert over the weekend.

While onstage at the concert Brand New Year 2018 on Sunday, San E used an expletive before rapping in English before an audience of 5,000: “Womad is poison. Feminist, no. You’re a mental illness.”

In another politically charged comment, the rapper said he supports “normal women” before criticizing radical online feminist communities Womad and Megalia as “male-bashing.”

San E criticizes controversial online feminist communities during a concert Sunday. (San E's YouTube)
San E criticizes controversial online feminist communities during a concert Sunday. (San E's YouTube)

The comments came during a break in Sunday’s concert after some audience members chastised the rapper for his views on gender issues, holding up placards criticizing him during his performance and throwing a stuffed toy with an offensive message at him.

Last month, San E faced criticism after releasing his single “Feminist” over lyrics that many saw as sexist and ignorant of what feminism stands for.

Part of the lyrics go, “I don’t understand that men and women aren’t equal at this point. It’d make sense if my grandmother said so, but what was so unfair when you grew up?”

His remarks about Womad and Megalia caused outrage from the audience, briefly halting the concert at the SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium in Seoul. 

Sexually insulting placards held by some audience members read, “San E the 6.9 cm boy.“ (San E’s YouTube)
Sexually insulting placards held by some audience members read, “San E the 6.9 cm boy.“ (San E’s YouTube)

“Even if you continue to attack me, I have zero interest. No matter what you lot say, I just go my way,” the rapper said during the concert.

In a video shared on social media, fans appeared confused and some were visibly angry, shouting comments at the rapper like “Just do your job,” and “Get off the stage.”

San E continued, saying, “Just because you paid and went into a restaurant, it doesn’t mean you can cause havoc.”

Following the controversial remarks, Rapper Rhymer, who heads the hip-hop label behind the event Brand New Music, apologized on behalf of San E.

“To those who were offended, I apologize on his behalf,” Rhymer said onstage as he bowed to the audience.

Despite Rhymer’s apology, San E’s attitude provoked mixed reactions online after the concert.

“He lacks professionalism. Not all audience members are from Womad and Megalia, yet he lost his cool during the performance and caused chaos,” one angry user on Naver wrote.

(San E’s Twitter)
(San E’s Twitter)

Another user came to San E’s rescue, writing, “San E has the right to free speech, just like feminists.”

Despite the controversy, the rapper seemed undeterred as he teased the release of a new single, “OongAngOong,” on Twitter in the early hours of Monday morning.

By Yim Hyun-su (